What a year. What a crazy year.
Does it feel like we are leaving behind some sort of stinking carcass? It feels like that to me. In so many ways.
The obvious carcass is the political mess and old-fashioned mud slinging that was the election. I usually stay away from politics here, but I’m giving myself permission to get this junk off my chest. There was a lot of change that happened. But a lot of the same that made me feel less than hopeful…
While everyone was giddy with anticipation at the possibility of a black president, women across the country were shaking their heads at the sexism that is alive and well in this country. I wish we were leaving that behind, but Hilary and Sarah might have different opinions. I’m irritated that Hilary was thrown a bone instead of having the chance to run as President, or even VP. I think she deserved that much. I’m irritated that the Republicans chose the ONE woman who probably should have stayed home, almost begging for the argument that women belonged at home and off the political stage. I don’t believe that, but I do believe that family comes first, and that Palin family really needed their mom at home… damn it. I’d rather they’d chosen the stronger candidate, the obvious one being Condi Rice. You know what? I’ll be so proud if Condi runs. Not because she’s black, but because she’s a woman. A smart, strong, attractive, and intelligent woman.
We have not come a long way, baby.
Bush. What can I say. Nothing that hasn’t already been said. A conservative radio host said it best yesterday. “Exit, stage left… please. Enough already.” I was as proud as anyone to see him jump up and grab the bullhorn and yell to the terrorists that we were coming to get them, especially after those animals decimated the Twin Towers. I wanted to feel safe, and for a while, Bush made me think that we might be. But then he kept doing one stupid thing after another. It almost seemed as though he was on someone else’s payroll… hmmm… kind of like McCain. If ever a candidate threw an election, this was it. Suspending his campaign? What the hell? Bastard. Never liked him. Never. Ask my father-in-law. We’ve had some serious arguments about that one. I even had a remote control thrown at me because of my thoughts.
If I could click my heels and make everything sort of okay, I’d ask for Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank to be sucked away by aliens. Those two have done more damage to our country than Bush these last eight years. But all three together… well, that was just the perfect storm, I guess. And now, we are waiting for the outcome of the race in Minnesota to see if the Dems will have a rubber stamp. Who would have ever thought that the fate of the Senate would hinge on Stuart Smalley?!
You know what else? I wish the Republican Party would get away from being the Moral Right. Theocracies don’t work. Ask the people who were under the rule of the Taliban. Plus, it’s awfully hard to run on a platform of Godliness when you are human. Every mistake you make as a person will be held under a microscope. It’s got to be pretty difficult to get any work done for your constituents when you’re busy juggling the image of perfection. Knock that crap off!
I’d love it if the left would stop politicizing environmental issues. Do they really think that all conservatives want to live in a desert wasteland because we were so greedy and wanted to consume all the planet’s resources like a ravaging horde of locusts? Seriously? Come on…
You know what? I’m kind of glad Barack won. He has become dull as all get out since he won, though, and that’s just a bummer. I like that he was shooting hoops the day of the election. I hate his teleprompter reading and his chin-up-snobby look, but I liked his easy going smile. I think Michelle is, well, meh… but those little girls are sweet and cute and just make you smile to see them with their daddy. I hope they get to pick any dog they want, not one that the public would be happiest with.
And I’m glad that Barack showed the Right what could be accomplished with the good branding and viral marketing, not to mention, staying on message. It was truly amazing. Small groups on the right are trying to move to this century’s communication platforms, but they keep thinking that they can regulate all the creativity out of it. Control freaks. I can’t get behind all the government programs that Dems want to implement and continue pumping money into, but this Republican party is just imploding and really pissing me off.
I hope a third party shows up real soon…
Come back tomorrow for Part II. I won’t be talking politics… thank God.