Saturday, November 1, 2008

NaBloPoMo or NaNoWriMo?

Always up for a challenge… that’s me…

So this month, there are two Get Up and Go challenges happening. The National Blog Post Month and National Novel Writing Month. The first is about posts – one a day for the whole month of November. The second is geared more towards the completion of a novel. I’m not really sure what kind of book you could write in a month… and I’m sure there are nuances to this particular challenge. There *have* to be… Anyone? Well, anyway, I think I might just write a few thousand words a day as a writing exercise, which I had originally intended to do with this blog.

And that leads me to my question and poll:

When I was at BlogHer08 in San Francisco last summer, I met and heard from many women that had started their blogs as a way to get to the book inside of them, either as a writing exercise or a platform builder. I am happy to admit that I fall into that category. But there were also tons of blog writers that do product reviews, travel blogs, and social forums, as well. Each of us had a primary reason for jumping in to the blogoshpere. Like many projects, some have morphed into something that is a glimmer of that first spark. Others have stayed the course, but may be the third, fourth, or fifth project of a blogger.

So what about you? What got you going?

I’m going to attempt a post a day. Maybe in there, I’ll talk about the story in my head and how my month of writing is coming along. Anyone else feeling up to the challenge? Share your links in the comment section so we can all follow along.

FYI: I’m also going to see if I can get NaMoSleMo off the ground. That’s National Month to Sleep More. I made that one up… ;-)



Babz Rawls Ivy said...

Neither...I couldn't afford a therapist so I thought I would blog as therapy.

Sugar Jones said...

Lovebabz: DARN IT! I wish I would have put that in the poll! It is definitely very therapeutic!

Anonymous said...

I like the sleeping one!

But am also doing NaNoWriMo to continue developing the writing habit.

Good luck on your daily posts! @jesseluna on Twitter

Ami said...

I started blogging to get into the habit of writing, as therapy, and to promote my freelance writing business. So, almost all of the above?

I did NaNoWriMo last year but decided not to this year because of other commitments in November. (It's really about the word count and not the quality, by the way. That's why it's so much fun. Writing without the pressure to be perfect.)

I am thinking seriously about signing up for NaBloPoMo...but I only have a few hours to decide. I could really use the daily writing practice, though.

Unknown said...

Thanks for enlightening me on what NaNoBloMo is. I was feeling quite clueless! Don't know if I can do a quality one every day. But I'll try for at least one a week!

Anonymous said...

Always a glutton for punishment, I want in on the oh-so-grueling NaMoSleMo.

What do I have to do to get some of that? Who will silence the kids? And the dog?

KingdomWriter said...

Hi Sugar, I'm heading into NaNoWriMo this month, because I have sooo much time on my hands, NOT! Just a sucker for punishment, you know... : )

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for NaNoSleMo. That is the biggest commitment I am willing to make.

Rowena said...

I'm crazy. I'm doing nanowrimo, aedm (art every day month) and I keep trying to sign up for nablopomo, but can't seem to get it to work. Don't know why.

I did post everyday for a month before, so why not? Oh, yeah... the novel thing.

Oh, and you don't actually have to finish your novel, just hit 50k words.

It doesn't matter how long your first draft takes, anyway, you still have to revise and rewrite, right?