Thursday, November 27, 2008


There's a lot I can complain about, but that gets old. The harsh realities of life will always be around, nagging at you, telling you to come down here and have some anguish for a while... but what purpose does that serve other than to drive you stark freaking mad?

There's just too much to be happy about...

Friends - I have so many good friends that have brought me through a really difficult year. There are my virtual friends in Twitter and on the blogs, of course. Wow... some of you are just insane and awesome! I've laughed and learned so much with these "friends in my head." Then there are my churchie friends that I've reconnected and grown with. They have been so supportive to a woman who will bawl uncontrollable at the song He is Mighty To Save... And of course, this crazy group of Latin Ladies Plus One (we're all Latin except Beth, but she's brown enough, so she's cool). In this last group, I get to be as Mexican as I want to be and it has been so much fun!

Family - I could wallow here in the things that have not happened, but instead I'll celebrate what has. We have all been physically healthy... nobody has broken a bone or been in the hospital this year. {{knocking hard on wooden desk}} I'm thankful for the love of all my family, but mostly, I am just so honored and grateful to be the mom of four really cool kids. Although I haven't hugged my seventeen year old since her sixteenth birthday, I have had some limited communication with her. I miss her and look forward to the day she decides to come back for a visit. My little ones have grown so much this year. The things they say and do blow me away often. They love God. They love family. And they love learning. My City Girl will be here today to bake for us. I'm excited to see what she has accomplished in Pastry School so far... I mean, in between all the partying I see on Facebook, anyway...

Life - Every day, I live a little better. Every day, I feel a little more whole. Every day, I peel another layer of the onion back... I am so eternally thankful to the many people that helped me get to the place where I don't feel like a fragile piece of glass that will break if you tap me just once. Some very special women have come into my life and have helped me to see the magnificence in me... it is the same magnificence that is in all of us. If you look hard enough... behind the smoke and the mirrors of perfection... you will find it, too. And amazingly, if you look past the preconceptions you may have shrouded others with, you'll see it in them... the trick is just to look.

Thank you for coming here.

Thank you for listening.

Thank you for your magnificence.



Anonymous said...

So much to be thankful for. I wish you and your family a happy and healthy Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season.

A friend in your head.....


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your tweets and sharing your friendship on twitter. I am also thankful to the many new friends I have made on twitter and look forward to getting to know you! I have a related post as well on the many things I'm thankful for

Anonymous said...

This is us, living in the Internet generation.

Thanks for posting your article. It made me ponder on all the good things we have to be thankful for.

Have a blessed year ahead.

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I am thankful for the friends in my head too- you being one of them :-) Happy Thanksgiving!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Thank you for being here! The sidebars look all lined up?! Great!

Friends in my head...I HEAR that.

I sent the updated header...

Lori said...

Very well said. It's good to stop and take a look at all there is to be grateful for...even when life is an ugly mess, there are beautiful things to be grateful for. I have watched you grow over the months I have been coming are a magnificent woman and you are coming to realize it more and more...that is awesome!

Daisy said...

I'm reading Thanksgiving posts and feeling grateful. So many bloggers are putting up positive posts. Yours is so uplifting!

Ruahines said...

Kia ora Sugar,
Well written, I miss Thanksgiving most of all. I hope you had a wonderful day. Yours is a place I always enjoy. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Blown away in what you've said and done. Thank you for caring as much as you do. I too have alot to ba grateful for, one is that I have a lot of people that care and support me through all the phases in this wonderful journey - life. It is more enjoyable when you are surrounded with people that do love and will be there for you no matter what. I only hope I can be there for those that I love (I know I will).

Amy said...

I play the gratitude game right before I go to sleep. I choose a category and list in my head at least five things.

How do I get you in my mailbox? I'm trying to find a subscription box on your page!

Sugar Jones said...

Thanks to all of you for your comments. I think it would be fabulous to do what Amy has mentioned. Being grateful on a daily basis. I know I go to bed worrying more nights than I should. I wonder how much better I would sleep with a little thank you on my heart instead.